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The Catalyst Newsletter

Your burning question answered!

A weekly newsletter to help high achievers reach their potential and make a difference.

Over the next few weeks, I will answer one of your burning questions.

What is it you actually do Kent?

Okay, maybe it’s not one of your burning questions, but I’m sure you’ve asked it before! And here's the great part, by answering this question about me, you are going to learn more about yourself.

But before I share what I do, let me start with why.

Located above the earth's northern axis of rotation in a fixed position, ocean explorers used the North Star (sometimes called Polaris) to navigate and maintain a consistent course.

Your purpose is like your North Star. It’s the why behind your whathelping you to navigate and maintain your course.

I have a longer purpose statement, but I summarize it this way: My purpose is to catalyze people to reach for their full potential and make a difference in the world.

The story of how I came to that statement is a long and winding road, but once it became clear, it has helped me stay on track when things get turbulent or when I drift. And no matter what I do for work, I can find purpose when I align it with mine.

Live Your Adventure

As I see it, there are three primary elements needed to live your purpose:

#1 Macro (Zoom out) - Our purpose is bigger than us and about people other than us

#2 Micro (Zoom in) - To live our purpose we must know ourselves (at least to the extent that is possible)

#3 Movement (Action) - Clarity of purpose requires us to take action and experiment. Action creates clarity.

Many people treat purpose as if it were a grand mystery, and one day, if you search hard enough, and if you're lucky, you just might find it. This only leads to frustration.

Your purpose is not a mystery to solve; it’s an adventure to live!

Viktor Frankl, holocaust survivor and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, believed there were three primary sources of meaning. He lays them out in his life-changing book, Man’s Search for Meaning. They all revolve around the “macro” or big picture.

  1. Creating a work or doing a deed i.e. meaningful work. What meaningful work are you meant to do? (Hint, it’s a cause greater than yourself)
  2. Experiencing something or encountering someone i.e. love. Who are the people in your life that you live for (this can include your faith)?
  3. Courage in suffering i.e. there is a purpose to your suffering, and it can help others. What have you gone through or are going through that can help someone else? Nietzche famously said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

Take a minute and write down an answer for each one. Then try to write 1-2 sentences that encapsulate your macro purpose.


Ready to take the next step? Book a Purpose Clarity Coaching session. It’s just $97, and I only have 10 available slots. It could be the spark you need to set your adventure in motion. Let’s map your course together.

Book your one-hour Purpose Clarity coaching session now >>

Not sure it's for you? Maybe you know someone who is struggling with their purpose. Why not forward it or gift it to them?

Live your adventure,

PS - Buy Me a Coffee so I can keep on creating!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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The Catalyst Newsletter

A weekly newsletter to catalyze people, leaders, and organizations to reach their potential and make a lasting difference in the world.

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