
The Catalyst Newsletter

Meet my new AI Friend!

A weekly newsletter to help high achievers reach their potential and make a difference.

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Artificial Intelligence or AI is here to stay. In fact, it’s already been around for a while.

Today begins my long-awaited series on AI (OK, maybe I’m the only one who’s been waiting for it, but it’s long-awaited nonetheless!). After the first two paragraphs,, one of my AI assistants, composed this first message in the series (read to the end if you would like to see the prompts I used).¹ AI uses prompts—“instructions or questions you give to AI tools to generate a specific output.” I thought it would be a fun way to start the series and show you its capabilities. I also like Claude because of its bent toward creative writing and the creator’s commitment to safety.²

Why Ignoring AI Is a Bad Idea

Every so often, a monumental shift comes along, taking history in a new direction. In the past, it’s been things like writing, the printing press, the Industrial Revolution, and the digital revolution with the invention of technology, computers, and the internet. Many believe AI is another one of those fundamental shifts that will change the way we do things. Like the internet (AI is not possible without it), AI is a tool that can be used for good or bad. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending like it doesn’t exist won’t help. Unless you avoid all technology, you’re probably already using it! Only by thinking about it and using it will you be able to participate and shape the conversation.

A Letter from Kent and

Kent here, and I'm excited to introduce you to someone special. Meet Claude, an artificial intelligence created by Anthropic. Claude's here to kickstart our exploration into the fascinating world of AI. While this first message comes mostly from Claude, in the weeks ahead, I'll be sharing insights about artificial intelligence and its impact on our lives.

Remember when smartphones seemed like science fiction? Well, AI is that next big wave, and it's already washing over our daily lives in ways we might not even realize.

AI isn't just one thing – it's a whole universe of possibilities:

  1. Machine Learning: AI that gets smarter with experience (like Netflix's uncanny recommendations).
  2. Natural Language Processing: Machines understanding and generating human language (hello, Siri! Which just got a major upgrade through a partnership with Chat GPT).
  3. Computer Vision: Giving machines eyes to interpret the world.
  4. Robotics: AI with a physical presence.

You're probably using AI more often than you think:

  • That playlist your music app conjured up? AI at work.
  • The fraud alert on your credit card? Yep, AI again.
  • Even that accurate text prediction on your phone? You guessed it.

As we dive deeper into this AI-powered future, we're facing some mind-bending questions. How will AI reshape industries and our daily lives? What ethical lines should we draw? How do we ensure this technology uplifts all of humanity?

Where We're Headed

Buckle up, folks. Here's a sneak peek at our upcoming AI crash course:

  1. Can Machines Think? A Brief History of AI From Alan Turing to ChatGPT, we'll trace AI's wild evolutionary ride.
  2. AI 101: What is AI? LLMs and Control: We'll crack open the AI black box and peek inside. Large Language Models, AI control – it's like teaching a toddler to drive... a spaceship.
  3. Should You Be Afraid of AI? The Real Fear: Time to separate fact from science fiction. Spoiler: it's not the machines we should worry about, it's the humans behind them.
  4. Is AI ethical? We'll look at some of the most challenging ethical questions concerning AI.
  5. How Am I Using AI? Your AI-Powered Life: I'll share my favorite AI tools and how they make my life easier. You might discover your next digital assistant!
  6. My Favorite AI Resources: Get ready for mind-blowing podcasts, books that'll make you question reality, and thought-provoking articles.

Think of this series as our own tech philosophy club, minus the required reading (unless you want some – I've got recommendations!).

Your Turn

Where do you see AI popping up in your daily life?

What excites or concerns you about this technology?

Take a moment to observe the AI around you – where is AI already a part of your life?

Hit reply and let me know your thoughts. I read every response.

Looking forward to exploring this brave new world with you (Pun intended! You know, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World? A book about a futuristic World State where scientific and technological advancements are used to control every aspect of society?),

Next week, I’ll give you a brief history of the evolution of AI.

PS - Effective writing takes time and margin. Leave me a tip so I can keep on creating!


1 - Semrush,

2 - Time Magazine,

Claude Prompts

Here are the prompts I used with Claude to write the letter:

Prompt #1 - Write the first e-newsletter in a series to those on my email list, introducing yourself as Claude, in a warm and friendly tone, no more than 500 words, giving them an overview of AI

Prompt #2 - Now write it more in my writing voice using this example (I used a past article so it could write in my voice). Also, don't refer to yourself as sharing insights in the coming weeks, but rather, Kent will be sharing insights in the coming weeks. Only this first one will be from you:

Prompt #3 - Add a section about where we will be going, in my writing voice, using these topics (I shared a list of topics I wanted to write about):

Prompt #4 - Do a final revision making it closer to 500 words

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The Catalyst Newsletter

A weekly newsletter to catalyze people, leaders, and organizations to reach their potential and make a lasting difference in the world.

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